We went LIVE... VFRR Online Training Tutorial!

Last year Risk Intelligence received feedback that stakeholders were not confident using VFRR Online to review Victorian Fire Risk Register - Bushfire (VFRR-B) data. As a result, Risk Intelligence held 3 online training sessions in April.


A recording of one of the sessions has been uploaded to youtube for you viewing. You can find the tutorial by following this link https://youtu.be/1DsQhqnppl0

VFRR Online was established in 2017 to provide stakeholders with 24/07 access to view and maintain the currency of VFRR-B data. The VFRR-B is in the monitor and review phase of ISO 31000. Therefore we are encouraging stakeholders to review their data using the online platform.


If you were unable to attend any of the sessions, but would still like training on VFRR Online, you can request a training session by emailing our friendly team at riskintelligence@cfa.vic.gov.au.